Workshops & Programs
We Need To Talk is about having a conversation that might be tough but necessary. Could be in your church, private group, school, community center or family structure that needs to dig a little deeper into you physical and mental health needs. All events are supported by licensed professional's as subject matter experts in their field. Visit our website for to learn more about We Need To Talk Men's Health Forums and our community's not just for the's a family thang.
For more information contact Terry Robinson 619-906-1799 |


Part of figuring out your future is understanding your past. The Family Legacy workshops are meant to "shake the tree" of your life to see what drops out.
Now that we "shook the tree" lets talk about some of the things we discovered. A significant aspect of our past and futures is the legacy of our family health thru genealogy and environment. We know about the afflictions...let's talk about the consequences

Men need to feel safe when they share, these workshops allow men to connect with our peers to address unspoken trauma, successes and best practices for living our happiest lives.

At our organization, we have a three-pronged approach to promoting health and wellness: Education, Advocacy, and Community Building. We offer tailored events and workshops to educate our communities on various health topics. Through partnerships with community organizations and local government, we ensure that community leaders are well-informed on the health issues affecting the people they serve.
Our programs and initiatives aim to create connections and networks that strengthen individuals and build more resilient communities. We collaborate with a range of partners including churches, community organizations, corporate sponsors, and other entities. Our motto, "Meet you where you are", reflects our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our community members.